Tiny Docs
Health Made for Kids!
Health Made for Kids!
mental health
kids yoga
Can you guess today’s blog topic with these 3 hints? Namaste, downward facing dog, and tree pose. If you guessed “yoga”- you’re right! Maybe you’ve seen your parents do yoga, or you’ve even tried it yourself in a P.E. class or on YouTube. After reading all of the health benefits of doing yoga from a young age, I’m sure you’ll be begging your parents to buy you a yoga mat so you can begin!
Yoga is an ancient physical and spiritual practice from India, dating back to 5,000 years ago! Did you know that yoga even has its own language called Sanskrit (pronounced: san-skruht)? “Yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root word “yuj” which means “to unite.” This practice unites your mind, body, and spirit in harmony to create the happiest and healthiest version of you! It also teaches that we are all one- created from the same light.
There are lots of ways to practice yoga, but I want to share 3 simple ways you can start enjoying the benefits right now!
First, there’s the physical practice of moving your body through different postures, or asanas (pronounced: AH-suh-nuh). Would you believe that there are 84 traditional postures that you can try? Some are as easy as standing up tall and straight in a mountain pose, and some require balancing upside down in a headstand! I recommend starting with a teacher or a video to learn how to properly hold each posture. Then, you can practice anywhere from 3 to 60 minutes a day.
Cultivate a disciplined healthy habit
Improve your flexibility to prevent injuries
Build muscle strength and stamina to do activities with ease
In yoga, they teach you that the reason we do the different poses is to help our body sit comfortably. You might be thinking, "Why is that important?" Well, think about how your body feels when you sit at your desk for a long time, and it starts to hurt or get tired. You might wiggle around or have trouble paying attention to your teacher, right? If your body was comfortable, you could focus better. Yoga helps your body feel good when you sit still, so your mind can also be calm when you meditate. It only takes a few minutes each day to sit up straight, close your eyes, and check how you’re feeling inside. You’ll notice how much better you can focus!
![Yoga for Kids Part 2](//images.ctfassets.net/48bofy2ut7yx/5g4eejoHBi5H54P4hF9mZP/138ca6921de61489785bdbd78c304076/BI__Yoga_for_kids__pt2__d.png)
Clear your mind so you can problem solve more efficiently
Increased concentration and engagement
Become more present and mindful
In yoga your breath is your best tool to regulate your ever-changing emotions. Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed by a conflict with a friend- I take a few deep breaths, expand my belly like a balloon, and then exhale slowly to deflate the balloon. If I do this before I want to react, it helps me respond in a calm manner.
Reduce levels of stress or anxiety
Handle tough situations calmly
Promote peace in your relationship with yourself and others
Yoga is a mindful practice that will promote physical activity, focus, and relaxation- so what are you waiting for?
Amber is a certified yoga instructor, retreat leader, and yoga teacher mentor. She has been living and teaching yoga with her own business, Flow with Amber in Costa Rica and Nicaragua since 2019. Before moving to Central America, she was an elementary school teacher for 7 years. Outside of yoga, she loves hosting community circles, being immersed in nature, and taking road trips in her 1974 Volkswagen Combi with her husband. She is expecting her first child this year!